Monday, March 31, 2008
What is Stem Cell? Aims and Objectives of this web site. A-Z of stem cell.
The survey findings and implications. What does the future holds for us.
The impacts of stem cell on science, human, social, economic and political front
References and Links
Other useful links and web sites online
Interviews with prominent scientists including Nobel Laureate Professor Paul Berg
Site Map
This web site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0+.Under screen resolution 1024 x 768 .Stem Cells- Everything you need to know by DMND
The purpose of this web site is to find out the awareness of the population on stem cells and to serve as a one-stop web site for anything related to stem cells. We hope that the survey finding will help to generate some buzzes among the audience and also help to dispel some misplaced hope or myths surrounding stem cells.
To reach a wider audience outside Asia, we have recruited a student from New Zealand to participate in interviews as well as to conduct some surveys. We also interviewed a few prominent scientists including Emeritus Professor Paul Berg, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry 1980 from Stanford University on his views on stem cell research.
About Stem Cells
Stem cells have generated much interesting debates among many of us . What actually are stem cells? Where do they come from? What are their uses? Read on..